So powder technology developed continuously, the application of roller mill has become the development trend of grinding industries. 因此粉磨技术也随之不断发展,辊式磨的应用已成为粉磨行业中的发展趋势。
Effects of excipients on powder technology properties of nimodipine dispersion powders 辅料对尼莫地平固体分散体粉体学性质的影响
This paper tries to explore the application of fine powder technology to Chinese medicinal herbs and insoluble medicines. 本文就难溶药物与中草药微细化技术作出探索性研究。
With the rapid and steady development of food superfine power, the scientists have realized that biological powder technology can be applied many food processing field. 生物粉体技术是一种新的食品加工方法,包括对植物和动物原料的加工。
Composites fabricated from glass fabric stacking with thermoplastic PPS powder ( powder technology) was evaluated. 研究聚苯硫醚(PPS)树脂粉与玻璃纤维织物(GF)叠层模塑(粉末工艺)制复合材料的工艺与性能。
Application to Biomaterial Products by Freeze-Drying Superfine Powder Technology 真空冷冻干燥超细粉体技术在生物制品中的应用
The Influence of Temperature and Pressure on the Diamond Synthesized Using Powder Technology 温度、压力条件对粉末工艺金刚石合成的影响
New Development of Super Fine Powder Technology Prepared by Physical Method 物理法制备超细粉技术的新发展
Application of Hydrophilic Powder Technology in Leather Making 亲水粉体在制革中的应用
Powder Technology and Cement Industry 粉体技术与水泥工业
The fundamental concepts and principles of fine powder classification, one of the important branches in the powder technology, are introduced, and the characteristics and performances of various kinds of classifiers are reviewed. Additionally, the prospects of its development are drawn. 本文介绍了粉体工程重要分支&分级的基本概念和原理,综述了各种微粉分级器的特点和操作性能,展示了微粉分级的发展前景。
In this paper, a new method of synthesizing diamond with the powder technology is reported. In super high pressure and high temperature, the diamonds are produced by using the NiFe-alloy powder catalyst with a small amount of rare earths. 介绍了用粉末技术合成金刚石的一种新方法,试验研究中采用加入少量稀土的NiFe合金粉末作为原料,在超高压、高温的条件下,经一定的工艺流程合成了高品级金刚石。
With the rapid development of industrial technology and medical science, higher demand has been put forward for the form of drugs and their state in medicament, and the ultra-fine powder technology is precisely suitable for this demand. 近代工业技术与医药科学的迅速发展,对药物某些剂型和改变药物在药剂中存在状态提出了更高的要求,而粉体微细化技术正好适宜这一新的工艺要求。
Ultra-fine Powder Technology and Ultra-fine Pearl Powder 超细粉碎技术与超细珍珠粉
The Development of World Tantalum Powder Technology 世界钽粉生产工艺的发展
Application and Preparation of Ultrafine Powder Technology 超细粉体的应用及制备
Conclusion Porous plates developed by making use of sintered powder technology could meet requirements of performance of water sublimator. 结论采用粉末烧结技术研制的多孔板的特性满足水升华器的性能要求。
It may provide the basis for selecting the rational process conditions, effective control of the grinding limit and delaying the grinding equilibrium. It is of the theoretical significance and practical value for the development of powder technology. 为合理选择工艺条件、有效控制粉碎极限和延缓粉碎平衡、推迟逆粉碎的出现,提供了一定的参考依据,对推进粉体技术的发展具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。
PREPARATION OF α-Fe_2O_3 PARTICLES WITH DIFFERENT MORPHOLOGY BY HYDROTHERMAL PROCESS Ultra-fine Powder Technology and Ultra-fine Pearl Powder 水热法制备不同形貌的α-Fe2O3细粉超细粉碎技术与超细珍珠粉
In this paper, the principle and meaning of wheat processing, particulate food, capsulation liquid food, functional food, are presented. The intimate relationship between the powder technology and the food, is reviewed. 论述了小麦制粉、颗粒化食品、液体食品胶囊化、功能性食品的原理及意义,从而表明了粉体技术与食品的密切关系。
Application of Ultra-fine Powder Technology to Crushing Chinese Medicinal Herbs and Insoluble Medicines 中草药与难溶药物超细粉碎技术的应用
It is a critical problem that how to improve the technology much more on the base of powder technology. 在粉末工艺的基础上进一步提高技术水平是现在的关键问题。
Application of Powder Technology in Chinese Traditional Medicine 粉体技术在中药中的应用
Method Technical parameters of porous plates used in water sublimator were analyzed. On the basis of this, porous plates made of different materials were developed by making use of sintered powder technology. 方法在对水升华器用多孔板技术指标进行分析的基础上,利用粉末烧结技术,使用不同的材料,研制出了多孔板。
The emphasis was placed on the fabrication processing and powder technology. 尤其侧重制造过程及粉体工艺。
Look forward new preparation technology for producing spherical solder powder according to development of powder technology. 结合制粉技术的发展,对球形焊锡粉新型制备技术进行了展望。
Study of Synthesizing High Quality Diamond with Powder Technology 用粉状技术合成高品级金刚石的研究
A large-scale preparation of Choline Chloride powder technology and equipment, industrial applied research. 进行了大型氯化胆碱粉剂制备技术与装备的工业应用研究。
It is closely related to the powder technology and fluid mechanics. 气力输送过程是一个复杂多变的过程,不单涉及到粉体技术,还和流体力学等有密切的关系。
Powder technology is one of the most important basic technology to support high-tech industrial. 粉体技术是支持高科技产业最重要的基础技术之一。